
The Rosary: Keeping company with Jesus and Mary

Existe una idea preconcebida y, lamentablemente, muy extendida, de que el Santo Rosario (SR) es una oración atávica, sin conexión real con los creyentes católicos del siglo XXI. El libro que acabo de terminar, The Rosary: Keeping company with Jesus and Mary, de Karen Edmisten, desmonta por completo esta idea en 86 páginas.

Básicamente, el libro constituye una pequeña guía en la que se explica qué es de verdad el SR (una oración contemplativa que nos enfoca hacia Cristo a través de los ojos de su Madre), cómo se puede rezar (no hay vías únicas), y cuáles son su muchas ventajas. Todo ello sin ñoñerías ni empalagos, en un lenguaje directo y claro. Se lee en una tarde. Pero deja poso.

Update to English-Language Readers:

There is a preconceived and, unfortunately, very popular idea about the Rosary: it is an atavic prayer, with no real connection whatsoever with 21st-century catholics. The book I've just finished reading, "The Rosary: Keeping company with Jesus and Mary", from Karen Edmisten, dismantles this idea in just 86 pages.

Basically, the book is a small guide about what the Rosary REALLY is (a contemplative prayer that focuses us on Christ through the eyes of His Mother), about how it can be prayed (there is not A way), and about its benefits to people who pray it regularly. The book is written in a direct and clear language, without affectation. You will read it in one sitting, but its echo on you will last forever.

Post on Karen Edmisten's blog.